
With the convergence of InsureTech and Digital Experience Transformation, it has never been more easier for Insurers to sustain a profitable enterprise while serving the greater good. Whether it is Claims Processing Automation using RPA, claims optimization using AI/ ML led Claims Analytics, Customer360 led Personalized Customer engagement for faster acquisitions, lesser policy relapses, higher retentions & Up/ Cross Sells; Digital has been transforming the Insurers steadily and continually. Digital has also helped them empower the Frontline (Insurance Agents, Sales & Customer service staff) by making them more knowledgeable about the products,  “Persona to Product” Mapping, and through CLTV based recommendations on Up/ Cross Sells

CX Strategy Alignment

You could be an Insurer with high premiums and high claims payout ratio or an Insurer with low premiums and low claims payout ratio; Unless you align your corporate strategy & brand promise with your sales/ marketing/ customer support strategy & customer promise, you will not be able to maximize your gains. Our structured CX Alignment workshop helps you craft a customer promise statement that helps align your brand promise to your sales/ marketing & customer service promise thereby helping you target the right personas with right value propositions and scale up your conversions 

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Agent/ Sales Operations 


We help you ensure that your sales teams, customer support teams and your agents are rightly trained and equipped with product knowhow and “persona to product” alignment so that they are efficient at customer engagement and acquisition. We further ensure that they are empowered with right insights (Customer persona, Product Affinity, Purchase propensity, etc.) by leveraging AI/ ML/ Customer Analytics

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Claims Process Optimization 

The way you handle your claims has a major impact on your customer experience and thereby on policy renewals/ relapses, Retentions & Upsells. We help you leverage the digital technologies like RPA for claims process automation and AI/ ML/ Analytics for claims process optimization. Through our structured programs we have helped insurers reduce their claims turnaround time by 33%, reduce incorrect “claims rejection” by 48%, increase right “claims rejections” by 54%. 

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Customer360 Implementation

We can help you drive Customer360 led Digital Experience Transformation by leveraging the digital experience platforms (CRM, CMS, Ecommerce, Marketing Automation) and Digital Technologies (AI/ ML/ Analytics/ BI/ RPA) to scale up your acquisitions, retentions, Up/ Cross Sells, Referrals and also reduce your sales cycle times and operational costs.

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